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Startseiten-Slider mit den Magnetschaltern MAK-50 und MAK-54 (english version)


New MAK-50 and 54 magnetic switches

Our popular product family is growing. The new MAKs offer new, additional housing variants and functions.

see product overview
Startseiten-Slider mit Varianten der BERNSTEIN Tragarmsysteme


Suspension systems

Suspension systems made of aluminum and stainless steel. Flexible and ergonomic solutions, individually configurable.

see product overview
Startseiten-Slider mit den induktiven Sicherheitssensoren SIB


Inductive safety sensors SIB

Specially developed for use in safety concepts: the new inductive SIB safety sensors!

see product overview
Foot switch variants from BERNSTEI AG with application example in the background


Foot switches

Foot switch variants made of metal or plastic. Available with or without protective shroud and with up to 3 pedals.

see product overview
