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System overview of the BERNSTEIN Smart Safety System

SMART Safety SystemThe complete electronic solution for safeguarding your machine

Scalable – Safe Smart:
The SMART Safety System protects people, machines and processes. Consisting of a wide range of components, it is your scalable solution for the complete safeguarding of machines and plants of any size.

And not only that - thanks to the patented Daisy Chain diagnostic system, every connected device provides comprehensive diagnostic data. This applies not only to electronic components, but also to any mechanical safety components you may have, which can be easily integrated into the series connection.

Ready for Industry 4.0

BERNSTEIN has consistently thought ahead with the SMART Safety System. It offers you a large selection of safety switches and sensors. Select exactly the components you need. This is how you create your own individual system

» Series connection of safety components

» Minimal wiring effort

» Integration of mechanical switches possible


SMART Safety System: Explanation video about the system

Everything for your SMART Factory

With our extensive selection of safety components, the SMART Safety System is always individual - specially adapted to your wishes and requirements. For example, if a machine is equipped with our SRF non-contact safety sensors and/or SEU emergency stop switches, a series-switchable variant is very often chosen. This reduces the wiring effort and the costs of the system.

Intelligent diagnostic system

Everything in view: With our intelligent diagnostic system DCD, you receive comprehensive diagnostic data of all installed components of your system. Sources of error can be identified directly.

  • Identify sources of error quickly and easily
  • Minimise service costs
  • Diagnostic data available for each connected unit

Predictive Maintenance

Service before service: Thanks to the constant analysis by the DCD, necessary maintenance work is indicated to you at an early stage. Unplanned downtimes can thus be avoided.

  • Proactive maintenance thanks to diagnostic data
  • Minimisation of default risks
  • Higher productivity

High performance level

Highest reliability: The system is designed with and for your safety. Thanks to the electronic components in the series connection, it is possible to achieve a high performance level (up to PL e).

  • Safe up to PL e
  • Avoid downtimes
  • Minimise failures

SMART safety technology at all levelsYour connection options

A system with many individually selectable components. With our connection options for the SMART Safety System, you receive a smart complete system for safeguarding your machines and plants on request. The system is also regularly supplemented with additional components. Get your own picture.

SMART Safety System in use

The SMART Safety System has already proven itself in many applications. Learn more about the different applications in our customer stories.

BERNSTEIN Sicherheitssteuerung SCx als Leerprodukt im Schaltschrank

SMART Safety System

When things get complex...

/ The new SCx safety controller from BERNSTEIN AG offers both safety as well as diagnostic options Read more
SRF sensor on a compaction system


Off to the waste press?

/ Smart safety technology for the waste disposal industry: Our SRF non-contact safety sensors check whether maintenance flaps are properly closed. Read more
Lifting platform example


Reaching high at the airport - not only on the runway

/ A loading platform at the cargo terminal of a german airport was equipped with SMART Safety from BERNSTEIN Read more
Luminous emergency stop on a laminating line


The best of the 90s and the best of today

/ Retrofit of a laminating system from the 1990s with the latest BERNSTEIN safety technology. Read more
Produktbild BERNSTEIN T-Adapter kompatibel mit dem SMART Safety System

SMART Safety System

BERNSTEIN expands SMART Safety System

/ The smart T-adapter from BERNSTEIN AG now makes mechanical switches Industry 4.0-capable Read more
Funktionsübersicht des BERNSTEIN Sicherheitsschalters SLC


High north and airy heights

/ Safety technology from BERNSTEIN AG fulfils particularly high safety standards for northern German lifting platforms Read more
Illustration of a system for the production of protective masks


With BERNSTEIN against the pandemic

/ Electronic safety sensor SRF from BERNSTEIN AG monitors the production of up to 72,000 FFP masks per day Read more
Product image programmable safety evaluation unit SCR P with daisy chain diagnostics logo

SMART Safety System

Daisies and machine safety

/ What do daisies have to do with machine safety? Read more
Illuminated emergency stop switch SEU from BERNSTEIN

SMART Safety System

A shining example of innovative safety technology

/ With the new illuminated emergency stop device from BERNSTEIN, SEU, these data can no longer be visualised only on an HMI (Human-Machine Interface). Read more

SMART Safety System

When things get complex...


Off to the waste press?


Reaching high at the airport - not only on the runway


The best of the 90s and the best of today

SMART Safety System

BERNSTEIN expands SMART Safety System


High north and airy heights


With BERNSTEIN against the pandemic

SMART Safety System

Daisies and machine safety

SMART Safety System

A shining example of innovative safety technology

Other products of BERNSTEIN AG

BERNSTEIN AG is a leading global developer and manufacturer of switches, sensors, enclosures and support arm systems as well as other components for industrial applications. Knowledge of market requirements, proximity to users and many years of experience in mechanics and electronics are reflected in our products down to the smallest detail.

By fulfilling internationally valid safety guidelines, our products are ideally suited for individual solutions. The focus is always on safety for people, machines and processes. With well-founded application expertise, we support customers from various industries in the planning and implementation of safety-related requirements.

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Eine BERNSTEIN Mitarbeiterin führt ein Kundentelefonat an ihrem Arbeitsplatz

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You have questions or need more information? We will take care of your request and will be happy to advise you on our products and solutions.