Enclosure technology
Aluminium enclosures for the industry
We explain what aluminium enclosures are, what properties they have, what processing options are available and what advantages they offer.
Enclosure technology
We explain what ATEX zones are, when they are required and what different types of zones there are in the ATEX area.
Safety technology
Fault masking: What exactly is it?
We explain what fault masking is, what consequences it can have and how it can be avoided.
Safety technology
Standard inductive sensors in safety technology
We explain whether & how standard inductive sensors can be used in safety technology. With a practical example & free whitepaper.
Safety technology
Which position switch suits my application?
In this article you will get a small guide how to find the right position switch for a wide range of applications
Enclosure technology
Designing ergonomic workstations
We show why ergonomic workstations are important, what advantages they have and what suitable products are available.
Safety technology
Simple, safe and smart monitoring of safety gates
We show you the basics and variants of safety gate monitoring and present also smart alternatives.
Safety technology
Performance level in safety applications
Find out what a performance level is, what different levels there are and how you can determine the performance level.
Safety technology
What does "Daisy Chain Diagnosis" mean?
The DCD is an intelligent, patented diagnostic system. Comprehensive diagnostic data makes machines more efficient & avoids downtimes.